• We wanted to create awareness about how much our society throws out.

  • Turns out, we throw out a surprising number of beautiful tea cups.

  • That's when he told me...

    (he, as in, the man at the recycling plant)...

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Ceramics can't be recycled; the glaze prevents them from decomposing.

They're simply cast aside onto the ever-growing, enormous waste pottery mountains of the world....

Here's one we made earlier.

This is Monte Testaccio and it was created by the Romans.

Or the other alternative...

They get crushed. CRUSHED and made into drain filler.

Centuries of ceremony and workmanship.

  • Yes I know. Porcelain isn't plastic.

  • It doesn't strangle poor little sea turtles.

  • But it does suffocate the earth.

  • And mining more clay damages our environment.